Teens Can Boost their Mental Health Doing Good Deeds

Teens Can Boost their Mental Health Doing Good Deeds

Now that the restrictions of living in pandemic times have lifted, teens have the opportunity to regain their emotional resilience. One way to do this is to encourage your teen to volunteer in their community or at school. They can reap all the health benefits of...
Cannabinoids: What Inquiring Minds Need to Know

Cannabinoids: What Inquiring Minds Need to Know

The buzz around cannabinoid (CBD) may have you wondering if a CBD product could be effective for your health concerns. To make sense of the emerging claims around CBD products, it helps to know how these products are sourced, what the active ingredients are, and how...
Kids & Their Devices: Healthier Ways to Manage Screen Time

Kids & Their Devices: Healthier Ways to Manage Screen Time

Adults and kids alike are spending as much as 50 percent more time using digital devices than they did two years ago. In our pandemic-altered digital reality, kids and teens have been most affected by the lure of the screen spending several hours a day using devices...
Anxiety: Holistic Solutions for Adults and Kids

Anxiety: Holistic Solutions for Adults and Kids

Anxiety often goes hand-in-hand with the stress that many adults and children experience in our modern world. Persistent worry, feeling overwhelmed, or being nervous about specific events, or even life in general, can contribute to the experience of anxiety. If this...